Mrs. Murphy's Safe Technology Tips and Tidbits



Using technology in the classroom is exciting and fun!  In order for everyone to be safe and secure while using in the digital world, there are several important rules and policies that we must know in order to be educated and responsible cyber citizens.  Let's take a look at how you can be computer safe!!

What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital Citizenship is a way for teachers, and parents to help students understand how to use technology appropriately.  It is a way of teaching responsible technology use.  Digital Citizenship helps set parameters for what is appropriate and inappropriate use of technology.  The video below outlines some facts to consider about Digital Citizenship.  Check it out!!!



What is Netiquette?                                                         

In today's world of technology, it is important to treat our fellow tech users with manners and respect.  The term "netiquette" comes from the etiquette we apply when using and communicating through computer networks.  There are many opportunities for educators to use technology to empower students as part of their education, however, students must be taught how to communicate with their peers using social networks, the worldwide web, email, and other sources.  If not used properly, students expose themselves to inappropriate material, harassment and/or bullying.  Netiquette is an important tool in helping students understand how to use technology respectfully.  


1. Identify who you are at the beginning or end of your message.                           

2.  Always give a subject or reason for your message.                                            

3. Be respectful in the way you address another person.

4. Respect other's privacy and never forward or copy a personal message without permission.

5. Use appropriate language and be concise.

6. Express meaning by using appropriate language, grammar, spelling, emotion icons and intensifiers.





(n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2016, from
Netiquette: Rules of Behavior on the Internet. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2016, from